Sunday, 21 September 2014

Enterprise Manager Grid Control Architecture

Although Enterprise Manager Grid Control is viewed as a single entity, technically, it
is built with the following software components

   1)      Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent)

Management Agent is an integral software component that is deployed on each
monitored host. It is responsible for monitoring all the targets running on those
hosts, communicating that information to the middle-tier Oracle Management
Service, and managing and maintaining the hosts and its targets.

Configuration file for Management Agent is $OH/ <hostname>_<sid>/ sysman/ config/ Configuration file for Management Agent is $OH/ <hostname>_<sid>/ sysman/ config/ Agent uploads managed data (from server its monitoring) to Management Service via HTTP Server (URL of management Service HTTP Server is defined by REPOSITORY_URL parameter in
     Management Agent software also includes inbuilt HTTP Listener (different from standalone HTTP Server) to accept messages(data) from Management Service and this URL is defined by parameter EMD_URL in

Management Agent Log & Trace files are in $AGENT_HOME (or $OH/ <hostname>_<sid>) / sysman/ emagent.log, emagent.trc, emagentfetchlet.log, emagentfetchlet.trc , emagent.nohup

   2)      Oracle Management Service (OMS)

OMS is a J2EE Web application that orchestrates with Management Agents to
discover targets, monitor and manage them, and store the collected information in
a repository for future reference and analysis. OMS also renders the user interface
for the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console. OMS is deployed to the Oracle
Middleware home, which is the parent directory that has the Oracle WebLogic
Server home, the Web tier instance files, and, optionally, one or more Oracle

 Configuration file for Management Service is $OH/<hostname>_<sid>/ sysman/ config/
               Repository connection details are defined by parameter emdRepSID, emdRepServer, emdRepConnectDescriptor and emdRepUser in
  Management Service also monitors Management Agent (to check its up and running), submit enterprise manager jobs and other functions using EMD_URL (Management Agent runs inbuilt HTTP listener) defined in

Management Service Log & Tracefiles are in $AS_HOME (or $OH/ <hostname>_<sid>)  / sysman/ emoms.log, emoms.trc

    3)      Oracle Management Repository (Management Repository)

Management Repository is the storage location where all the information collected
by the Management Agent gets stored. It consists of objects such as database jobs,
packages, procedures, views, and tablespaces.

Management Service connects to Management Repository using JDBC

    4)      Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console

Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console is the user interface you see after you
install Enterprise Manager Grid Control. With the help of the console, you can
monitor and administer your entire computing environment from one location on
the network. All the services within your enterprise, including hosts, databases,
listeners, application servers, and so on, are easily managed from one central

5. HTTP Server: recieve requests from webcache, pulls data from Repository via Management Serviceand return response back to Webcache. HTTP Server also receive data from Management Agents, forward it to Management Service to store them in Management Repository.

6. Webcache : acts as web accelerator; forward request from Users (console) to HTTP Server and response back from HTTP server to Users (Console)

Communication between Management Agent & Service

Management Agent connect to Management Service via HTTP Server of Grid Control Middleware where as Management Service connect directly (using HTTP protocol) to Management Agent (Agent software include inbuilt http server)

Reference:  Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Basic Installation Guide 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Restore standby database using incremental backup

   1)      Find the current scn of Standby database

select  current_scn from v$database;


    2)      Take incremental backup  on primary database  start from the scn  shown in step 1

     FORMAT '/tmp/incr_standby/backup_%U';

   3)      Create control file backup  for standby

ALTER DATABASE CREATE STANDBY CONTROLFILE AS '/home/oracle/standby_control.ctl';

   4)      Copy the incremental backup and control file backup from primary to secondary database

   5)      Check the status of standby and controlfile location

select open_mode , database_role ,name from v$database;

---------- ---------------- ---------

Select name , value from  v$parameter where name=’control_file’;

NAME            VALUE
--------------- --------------------------------------------------
control_files   /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl, /u01/a

    6)      Cancel recovery on standby  stop  standby database

 Alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
Database altered.

SQL>  shu immediate ;
     7)      Recover control file

rman target /

Restore  controlfile from ‘/tmp/incr_standby/stby.ctl';
startup mount

    8)      Catalog the backup  on standby database

catalog start with  '/tmp/incr_standby/';

    9)      Restore database

RMAN>  recover database noredo;

     10)   Start recover y on standby database

alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session ;

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Gateway connectivity (hetrogeneous ) from oracle to non-oracle databases .

Here we are connecting oracle to netizza same way we can connect  oracle and mysql

Step1: Ensure Unix ODBC Driver Manager is version 2.2.11 or higher.

[oracle@myhost-x1 ~]$
odbcinst --version
unixODBC 2.2.14

to check how to install unixODBC  on linux you can check here 

Step2: Define or append below environment variables in user’s .bash_profile : highlighted in  yellow

[oracle@myhost-x1 ~]$ cat .bash_profile
# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

################ START: Entries at the time of ODBC installation ###############################

# User specific environment and startup programs

export TMP=/d2/db1/oracle/temp
export TEMPDIR=/d2/db1/oracle/temp
export ORACLE_BASE=/d2/db1/oracle/apps
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/db_1/11.2.0
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib32:$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/local/nz/lib:/usr/lib64

export NZ_ODBC_INI_PATH=/etc
export ODBCSYSINI=/etc
export ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini

export PATH

################  END: Entries at the time of ODBC installation ###############################

  • Go to the path $ NZ_ODBC_INI_PATH set above in .bash_profile (i.e cd $ NZ_ODBC_INI_PATH).
  • Login through root .( sudo su -) and Create odbc.ini using vi editor vi /etc/odbc.ini for server to be connected, in which DSN is defined like below. Please point to the right library file for ODBC.

[oracle@myhost-x1 ~]$ cat /etc/odbc.ini

[ODBC Data Sources]
NZSQL = NetezzaSQL

Driver                = /usr/local/nz/lib64/
Description           = NetezzaSQL ODBC
Servername            =
Port                  = 5480
Database              = xyz
Username              = abc
Password              = mypassword
ReadOnly              = false
ShowSystemTables      = false
LegacySQLTables       = false
LoginTimeout          = 0
QueryTimeout          = 0
DateFormat            = 1
NumericAsChar         = false
SQLBitOneZero         = false
StripCRLF             = false
securityLevel         = preferredUnSecured
caCertFile            =

[oracle@myhost-x1 ~]$

Test note 1: Now open another PuTTY session and check you can connect to non- oracle database using ODBC driver

[oracle@myhost-x1 ~]$
 isql -v NZSQL
| Connected!                            |
|                                       |
| sql-statement                         |
| help [tablename]                      |
| quit                                  |
|                                       |

Till this point the ODBC setup is complete, you can go ahead at oracle end.

Test note 2:

[oracle@myhost-n1 gateway]$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@myhost-n1 gateway]$ pwd
[oracle@myhost-n1 gateway]$ ./bin/dg4odbc

Oracle Corporation --- THURSDAY  APR 15 2010 06:37:17.144

Heterogeneous Agent Release - 64bit Production  Built with
   Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC

Step 4: Prepare the 11g gateway heterogeneous instance. In our case we have kept instance name to DG4ODBC.

[oracle@myhost-n1 admin]$ pwd

[oracle@myhost-n1 admin]$ cat initDG4ODBC.ora

# This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are
# needed for the Database Gateway for ODBC



# ODBC specific environment variables
set ODBCINI = /home/oracle/nz/odbc.ini


# Environment variables required for the non-Oracle system
#set <envvar>=<value>

Step 5: Create  gateway listener as below. Take care in specifying ENVS attribute.


    (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /d1/db1/oracle/apps/product/db_1/11.2.0)
      (PROGRAM = extproc)
    (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = DB1)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /d1/db1/oracle/apps/product/db_1/11.2.0)
   (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = DG4ODBC)
      (ORACLE_HOME =/d1/db1/oracle/apps/product/11.1.0/gateway)
      (ENVS = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64/:/home/oracle/nz/lib:/d1/db1/oracle/apps/product/11.1.0/gateway/lib)
      (PROGRAM = dg4odbc)

        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1522))

Start this listener and proceed for remaining steps to be performed at 10g server only.

export ORACLE_HOME=:/d1/db1/oracle/apps/product/11.1.0/gateway
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start LISTENER_DB1

Step 6: Create TNS entry for the 11g gateway instance( DG4ODBC in our case)

Note:      (HS=OK) should be after connect_data is closed

      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1522))
      (SID = dg4odbc)

Test note 3: now tnsping the gateway  listener from database  home to check request is reaching to gateway  listener from db  home. If ok then go ahead.

Step 7:  connect to  database user, from where connectivity to non-oracle database is desired and create db link as below:

Create database link NZ connect to abc  identified by “mypassword” using ‘DG4ODBC’;

Step 8: Check connectivity oracle to natizza

 select * from test@NZ                                                                                                     .                                                                                             

You should be able to see data fetched from non-oracle database

If have issue, diagnosis  logs can be seen from 11g home location: $ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin/log

You need to uncomment #HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL = debug  and HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL = 4;  restart 11g listener and query again.

General issues:

- Driver manager older version is some times. Installing newer versions help.
- Some problems need compilation of Driver manager source code with some options like taking flag for 64bit data etc.
- Some problems require fix at Non Oracle database software end.
- Some problems required change the ODBC driver software.
- Some problems are fixed by changing the HS parameter in the initInstance.ora file of gateway.

 Real issue example