1) Import in data tablespace from diffrent tablespace
4) Export tables from using query
If you want to import from one tablespace to other .then INDEXFILE can solve your purpose.
Issue is here how to change the tablespace name in which table has to be import . firstly using INDEXFILE we have to create the file can give statements of create the tables and indexes.
Now we have to make some changes in the file in unix “sed “ commands can help to trim the file
At window environment can simply use find replace from a file.
imp impuser/impuser@mediamat FILE=/home/oracle/expdrec/exp.dmp LOG=/home/oracle/expdrec/impuser.LOG FROMUSER=scott TOUSER=impuser commit=y indexFILE=/home/oracle/expdrec/index.txt
1)Find the name of tablespace from indexfile using following command
[oracle@mediamath-server ~]$ cat /home/oracle/expdrec/index.txt|grep 'TABLESPACE "'
2)Following command replace tablespace name [Source tablespace :exp_tablespace and destination tablespace :imp_tablespace]
sed -e "s/exp_tablespace/imp_tablespace/g" /home/oracle/expdrec/index.txt >/home/oracle/expdrec/index1
3)Replace the string REM to blank space[comments]
sed -e "s/REM//g" /home/oracle/expdrec/index1.sql >/home/oracle/expdrec/index.sql
4)Delete the rows having the rows counts number
sed '/rows/d' /home/oracle/expdrec/index.sql >/home/oracle/expdrec/index1.sql
Run the script after connecting the user
SQL> table created
SQL>index created
SQL> select tablespace_name ,table_name from user_tables;
------------------------------ ------------------------------
imp_tablespace BONUS
mp_tablespace COMP
2) export and import of table case sensitive
[oracle@mediamath-server ~]$ exp scott/tiger@mediamat file=/home/oracle/expdrec/exp.dmp log=/home/oracle/expdrec/exp.log statistics=ESTIMATE tables=MM_STG.TBL_TEST,SCOTT.EMP,SCOTT.COMP,SCOTT.\"TEST_data\" consistent=y
If table name is case sensitive like TEST_data then import table name shoud be in sigle quotes( ' ' ) followed by double quotes ( “”) .by default it reads table name in the upper case.
[oracle@mediamath-server expdrec]$ imp impuser/impuser@mediamat FILE=/home/oracle/expdrec/exp.dmp LOG=/home/oracle/expdrec/imp.log tables=TBL_TEST,EMP,COMP,'\"TEST_data\"' FROMUSER=MM_STG FROMUSER=SCOTT FROMUSER=impuser ignore=y
Import: Release - Production on Thu May 5 14:28:25 2011
. . importing table "TEST_data" 11 rows imported
. importing MM_STG's objects into IMPUSER
. importing SCOTT's objects into SCOTT
About to enable constraints...
Import terminated successfully with warnings.
Import tables in of different users.
Dump file contains the data of multiple user . And have to import data in multiple or single users.
i.e dump file contain data of user MM_STG and SCOTT and want to import data in the IMPUSER
the we have to specifies fromuser parameter for both the users MM_STG and SCOTT and specifies touser=IMPUSER both the above users.if you specifies touser only once then first user import data in impuser and all other search the schema same as their name .if exists then insert data otherwise raise error
Import the data from different user specifies multiple "fromuser" and "touser" options in pair.
[oracle@mediamath-server expdrec]$ imp impuser/impuser@mediamat FILE=/home/oracle/expdrec/exp.dmp LOG=/home/oracle/expdrec/imp.log tables=TBL_TEST,EMP,COMP FROMUSER=MM_STG TOUSER=impuser FROMUSER=SCOTT TOUSER=impuser ignore=y
Import: Release - Production on Thu May 5 14:28:25 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Export FILE created by EXPORT:V10.02.01 via conventional path
Warning: the objects were exported by SCOTT, not by you
import done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
import server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)
. importing MM_STG's objects into IMPUSER
. . importing table "TBL_TEST" 4 rows imported
. importing SCOTT's objects into IMPUSER
. . importing table "EMP"
. . importing table "COMP" 232 rows imported
. . importing table "TEST_data" 11 rows imported
To export the tables with selected rows with specific conditions we simply use QUERY clause with export command.
{oracle@mediamath-server expdrec]$ exp scott/tiger FILE=/home/oracle/expdrec/exp.dmp LOG=/home/oracle/expdrec/imp.log STATISTICS=none TABLES=emp QUERY==\"where HIREDATE \< to_date\(\'03-DEC-1981\',\'dd-mm-yyyy\'\)\"
1 comment:
Very informative good work
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